Wednesday, 22 December 2010

BiLa NaK BuaT PHD?????

yesterday, there was an event of new centre's opening ceremony in the university. Of course, kak tina & me were there since the centre is also part of our faculty... boleh dikatakan, bachelor degree programme under the centre is run by our faculty member... so far, i haven't been assigned teaching students under this programme... not yet kot... hehehehe

anyway, bukan pasal event tu yg aku nak citer kat sini... cuma, smlm, masa high tea session tu, kami duduk bersama2 dgn professor2 yg keje dlm fakulti yg sama... masa tu lah, timbul soalan dari one of the professor.. bila aku dgn kak tina nak wat phd..

mmm... bila ye nak buat phd????

ntahla... klu ikut aku, mmg la nak wat secepat yg mungkin... almaklumla, umur dah makin bertambah.. tahun ni dah 31 tahun (baru ada kekuatan mengaku umur sendiri... sbb dah leh terima hakikat ada angka 3 kat depan tu.. hehehehe).. so, klu aku tangguh2, umur berapa pulak, baru aku nak dapat phd ni.. lps tu, cita2 aku tinggi, at least, biarla dapat jadi assoc prof sebelum aku pencen... abis tu... phd pun x lepas2, mana nak dpt title prof ni... hehehehe

then, one of the professor said.. klu buat dgn dia, sekejap je.. 2+1 years.. x yah lama2 buat phd ni... tapi, syaratnye, kene duduk la kat industry full time... for me, x de masalah tang duduk kat industri tu... sbb aku ni mmg dah lama rindu nak balik ke kilang balik... rindu saat2 jadi industrial engineer dulu... dah lama dah aku tinggalkan profession tu bila aku decide utk jadi pensyarah 5 tahun yang lalu... mmm... interesting proposal to be considered for doing my phd...

cuma, masalah besar aku skg ni, aku masih tercari2 apa bidang yg aku nak buat untuk phd aku ni... manufacturing engineering ni besar scope nye... klu masa master dulu pun, aku sampai tension2 nak fikir tajuk apa nak wat utk final project aku.. ni kan plak phd yg susah giler ni.. mcm one of my professor dulu penah cakap, phd ni equivalent to 'permanent head damage'.. hehehehe... even, kawan aku penah cakap... buat phd ni, umpama, ko pegi survey tapak kubur ko sendiri.. lps tu, ko korek lubang kubur ko sendiri... lps tu, ko masuk dalam lubang tu, then ko kambus diri ko sendiri... huhuhuhu... cuak.. cuak..

aku ingat lagi masa interview nak keje kat sini dulu, one of the professor asked me, i want to do research for my phd in what area? mmm... aku cuma terfikirkan pasal process jek.. sbb sbnrnya aku mmg minat something yg hands on... dulu, masa degree, aku wat research on wire cut edm machine... seronok operate machine tu dgn partner.. then, dah cut various types of materials, kaji plak that material properties of the cut material... tp, bila aku keje, aku terus masuk bahagian industrial engineering which is much more related to the manufacturing system pulak... lps tu, bila aku shift ke education line, i was assigned to teach quality engineering, engineering design plak... bila aku wat master, aku wat in manufacturing system engineering... skg ni, kat sini, aku kene ajar CAD/CAM plak... adoi... blur.. blur.. nak wat phd in manufacturing process ke, manufacturing system ke, engineering design...

really need hidayah & guidance dari Allah, right now... huhuhuhuhu

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